new animation
new animation
Is too much power bad?
good and bad sites.
of summer and trolleys and suchlike
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
me: so yeah, basically, i want to write a realist piece, set in a fantastical but real environment
him:nice nice, i like it. nic.
me: and the whole narrative of the piece is centered around dealing with death. the location will be a forest, but due to the climate, the leaves are left perpetually red and gold, in contrast to a thin layer of frost that covers the ground.
him: nice, yeah nice. i like it. do you know that forests are used in a lot of childrens stories?
me: yes, they are
him: they are rooted deep within a persons subconcious...
me: i suppose so yes.
him: do you want to do writing as a career?
me: i did, but i understand that the chances of being successful are pretty slim
him: yes. don't do it. what do you want to do?
me: well i was considering teaching.
him: don't bother.
me: why not?
him: well, i tell this to all of my students. move away when you finish university.
me: well i was considering moving to america.
him: move to australia.
me: what?
him: australia. not america.
me: well i also though canada might be nice.
him: no. go to austalia, not canada.
him: (staring and not blinking) australia is better.
me: well i do have relatives there...
him: where do they live?
me: perth
him: but that's on the other side...
me 0_0
him: i know things.
me: what?
him: legislations are going to be passed within the next year, meaning that all calls will be logged for a year, and all internet sites visited will also be logged.
me: oh really?
him: yes. did you hear about that two year old nigerian girl that got abused and died?
him: it wasn't well publicised.
me: oh..ok
him: she died because social services failed to act, and it is an excuse for this legislation to be passed, not even from our own government, but from the Europian Union.
me: o...k
him: sometimes i think i'm just turning into one of those crazy conspiracy nuts, frothing at the mouth
me:..hehe yeah
him o_o but i can show you the legislation. i can quote it word for word. look *quotes the exact legislation*
him: it's happening. just like in 1984.
me: my dad believes things like that. usually i just laugh him off
me: ok
him: leave the country, before it's too late, you know we're entering a recession? have you ever lived through a recession?
me: not that i remember
him: there was one in the early 90s. lots of businesses closed down. that was fun. i really wouldn't want to be a student coming out of uni into a recession.
me: so moving away would help with my debts?
him: oh no...they'll find you.
(rest of the conversation was just as weird but i dont remember what we talked about. i was a little freaked out.
posted by jameswinterton @ 11:13 pm 0 comments
Friday, August 19, 2005
Now I don't want to confuse anybody about me here, I'm open to almost anything. Yeah, so I don't like the Killers and I think that Sir Paul Mcartney is actually a twat but at least I can respcet them for what they are doing.
when someone says to me 'Hey James! you are sooo closed minded if you don't believe that the birthday of Jesus Christ ACTUALLY happened a month earlier than december the 25th.
ok so
1, Even though i see absolutly no reason why it would be in november and there is no way to back that claim up, but i'm still open to the idea
2, you shouldn't just assume that I won't believe that just because I refuse to acknolage the fact that A.I was a blockbuster hit... it was still bulshit!
In all honesty, nobody actually claimed that christmas was in november and most people That I know openly acknowlage that A.I isn't even fit to wipe your ass with (lets not kid ourselves, plastic doesn't do a great job in that department)
I really just wanted to introduce this crazy photo of me and chris having a christmas party in july...
Christmas in July you say?
How contreversial are we!
Party hats and all!
The world is coming to an end... deal with it and buy me some deep pink material to make a headband with so i can go out rambo/david bowie style....posted by jameswinterton @ 3:54 pm 1 comments
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I finally got the picture from waiting in line for the first showing of starwars at midnight ages ago
thanks for the picture tom :Dposted by jameswinterton @ 11:27 pm 0 comments
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Why don't people ever actually see mermaids?
All I could actually work out was that they must see how dolphins are treated and stay hidden because of it.
Then someoune *cough*andy*cough* pointed ut that dolphins are happy which made me wonder...why?
of course I may be jumping to conclusions but if i was a mermaid then i would stay well away it just isn't worth it...laws no.posted by jameswinterton @ 8:34 pm 3 comments
Monday, May 23, 2005
new animation
yeah another tacky animation for the collection.
I swear i'm getting some kind of an animation addiction...![]()
posted by jameswinterton @ 8:00 pm 0 comments
Saturday, May 21, 2005
You have a Purple Lightsaber.
Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity,
independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.
Purple denotes high spirituality and religious
aspiration. Purple also represents Peacefulness
and Purification. It also has a sense of
intuitive understanding and a feeling of
intimacy with the world.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
its sooo right.
thats the best of all the lightsabresposted by jameswinterton @ 5:30 pm 0 comments
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Is too much power bad?
Ok so I'm confused
Is technology getting to powerful?
I have been reading about the ps3 recently as I am a big geek and get exited by things like that, but after reading about it I'm leaning more towards scared....
It's just too powerful.
Now I can understand this being a good thing but I've seen terminator, I know how this one turns out and with so much coursework and suchlike, I really can't deal with an over muscular Austrian from the future chasing me around whilst spinning out cliche catchphrases.
After thinking about this and locking all of my doors and windows, I realised that it is going to be so easy for robots to take over.. look at what they could access.....
Mobile Phone cameras. Now these are useful, I'll admit that and I have used at least 2 photos taken on my phone on this site (the batman one and the trolley one definatly were) but what is to stop th robot armies spying on us with our own phones!
broadband Broadband is getting better and better all the time. It is stupidly fast and doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon. Anyone who has it can access the internet quickly and easily... anyone including....robots!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The internet itself is getting more and more sophisticated. With the aid of broadband, people can display all different kinds of things such as videos using .WMV,.AVI,.MOV, and .MPG files. Audio can be played and listend to online using files such as .WAVs and .MP3s. Even simple animations can be showed using .GIFs and programmes such as flash. They all seem like perfect tools for robots to spread propaganda to me.....
also they seem to kick kittens when they think noone is watching![]()
posted by jameswinterton @ 12:28 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
good and bad sites.
There are several examples of good websites on the world wide web
a good website should be user friendly it should be easy to find your way around, nice to look at, give useful and precise information and use collours that don't hurt your eyes.
good examples are;www.neopets.com
This site is simple, well designed, nicely coloured and easy to work with.
this site (mentioned earlier somewhere) is nicely set out and extremely informative and helpful
www.adventchildren.net is a very informaitive site. It is nicely designed and updated on a regular basis
as well as good sites there are bad sites which are boring, hard to work aroun and use bad colour schemes
for example http://maddox.xmission.com/ this site, set up by somebody who claims to hate everything and feels the need to write about it. The colours are bad and the writing is dull. SOmeone with such a talent for complaining could have done much beter if he had put more effort in.posted by jameswinterton @ 4:21 pm 0 comments
Saturday, April 30, 2005
of summer and trolleys and suchlike
yeash so summer started last night. for me anyway
'tall started when me and my holmes decided it would be great fun to go to fosse park and buy some fosters and multitaps and whatnot (I preordered the fifth dark tower book...gotta love student discount day at borders)
we were just leaving for the journey home when we realised that all of our stuff was quite heavy..
We almost gave up on living until we noticed an abandoned trolley in the Marks and Spencers car park which just happened to be the right size:D
As it was our only option, we opted to 'borrow' the trolley and launched a stealth like mission to escape the area with it.
Turned out we didn't really need to as no one gave a dman. so anyway after a very fun journey we got to my house and took a photo
anywho I guess I'll take it with me next time I go to fosse park but the point is that we had a great time (the most fun I've had in ages) and it truly felt like the start of summer does in hit motion pictures such as American Pie 2 and stuff.posted by jameswinterton @ 10:02 pm 1 comments
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Effctive web design
'twas a dark stormy night. In the damned world of computooooor two factions stared each other down. None of them moved. The sea of 1s and 0s soared along the ground underneath them. It was the final showdown between the digital 72ers and the 300dpi's. A whistle sounded out from the speakers above them and the game commenced. The 72ers ran towards the internet goal as the 300s sped towards the printer. what the 72s lacked in size, they made up in speed when it came to relaying digital information.
Had the lighting in the stadium been bad, the spectators wouldn't have been able to see the pixelbacks as they were designed to be viewed on paper. They were of place in the digital world and they know it but they pressed on, bent on getting to the printing goal before the next version of the magazine was released.
Meanwhile the 72'ers ran... the spectators could support them easily as they emitted their own light.
cyan, mageta, yellow and black. The team colours of the dpi's blurred past the green red and blue of the 72ers....
Things were getting rough, the coaches decided to call on their heavier players. The tiffs walked on to the field. In retaliation the 72ers coach callled on his fast players; the gifs. The gifs were small but had the capability to move a lot more than the regular jpegs. things were getting intense. The gifs sped along relaying their information to the goal, what they lacked in quality, they made up for in speed.posted by jameswinterton @ 11:52 am 0 comments
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
A critque of a fellow users site
In the following post I am going to critique Daniel Healeys site the url is Panzermensch
After reading thoroughly through this site, I have thought of several things to say...
The site is easy to read and uses a scheme of friendly and welcoming . There are enough pictures to keep someone that doesn't like reading interested and there isn't too much writing to bore people.
HOWEVER some of the spelling needs to be sorted to make it really user friendlyposted by jameswinterton @ 12:38 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
The greater bad
Hello again.....you
this is another piece of writing that I am posting to take up blogger space.
It was going to be the intro to a story until I decided that I couldn't be bothered to finish it.
The young man sighed. He looked at the back of his hands, trying to get to know them as well as he possibly could. His back hurt from sitting o n the uncomfortable park bench for so long. Instantly, he felt a wave of compassion for old people.
The new park benches had seemed a good idea when they were first invented. The advertisement said that making the back of them slant forward slightly would improve posture. The real idea behind they would improve what was known as ‘the old people congestion.’
The issue of old people taking up all of the room on the park bench had first arisen at the world summit of 2035. Ever since someone had invented the LES (life extension serum), old people were living twice as long but were too weak to do anything other than sit on park benches feeding the cyber ducks(it became illegal to feed real ducks when it turned out that bread was actually lethal to them)
The young man sighed again. A few years ago it had been him that was fighting against the removal of the old people from the park benches.
Fighting for good.
That was what he did. That was what he had done since the dawn of time. He had been there when Jesus was crucified trying to talk the general public into letting him go. He had been there trying to talk Mr and Mrs Hitler out of having children. He had even been there when Martin Luther King jr had been making his dream speech, cheering him on from the front of the crowd. When he wasn’t doing good, he was battling tirelessly against bad; trying to assassinate Hitler, Writing random formulas in Einstein’s Atomic bomb Workbook (which backfired when he accidentally wrote the right equation) and trying to talk George Lucas out of filming a fifteenth Star wars movie. Unfortunately he had a problem.
People are stupid.
When given a choice between right and wrong, they always go for the easiest( which has a tendency to be wrong), so he had given up the fight for good in exchange for sitting on posture correcting park benches and resenting everyone. This is what caused problem number two….
He was bored.
There was no evil to fight, no jobs going for someone as unqualified as him. No college courses that anyone who wasn’t royal or related to Richard Branson could afford.
It was sitting on that bench on that windy and mildly warm autumn day, that his idea hit him. He would create some evil to fight. Something so diabolically evil that people would fear to side with. When they are forced to side with good, he would be the only one left. They would want him. No… They would NEED him. All he had to do was take out all the other supposedly good people… that wouldn’t be to hard to do.
The young man smiled.
He walked down to the cinema to see Star Wars episode 16: The Empire Strikes Back Once Again, and started to come up with some plans.
Anywho a great site for wann abe writers like me is... BBCGETWRITINGposted by jameswinterton @ 12:58 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
The Rose Prose (a small experiment by me)
I wrote this a few month ago.
I noticed that the writing site that I was going on was getting increasingly "dark".
people were writing more and more about 'the darkness inside' and 'the eternal pain that they feel'
And so the rose prose was created. I posted it on the site and asked how many of them felt my inner pain and saw the dark beauty in my piece.
You'd be suprised how many did.
Rose Prose
In the whole world, it grows in only one place. Even with thousands of endless fields to choose from, it will only appear in only one spot. This place will eventually come to be called ‘The Grey Meadow’.
Very few people know about it, even the people that do pass through the field don’t see it as they are blinded by all the pretty colourful daisies and bluebells that surround the area. The rose probably wouldn’t mind this though, even if it were capable of thinking, for this is the way of the world. The dull looking are over looked by those that see for the beautiful and happy.
There are a few people that know of the grey rose, the people that don’t stand a chance of winning the ‘miss world’ competition go for hikes through the valley and see the wilted flower stretching towards the sun, trying to catch some of the golden rays that shine down and illuminate all of the other flowers. Even these people can’t see its inner beauty. It has none. There are also the cows that graze in the field. They would probably worry more about the grey rose if it were not for the green grass that they eat all day long and as long as they eat all day then everything is good.
And so it just stays there, miles away from civilisation. , living only to die, withering every winter only to be reborn again in the spring.
Day after day, year after year.
Wars happen. Men fight pointless battles in the meadows of the world. The grey rose stands as armies fall. The grass is turned from green to red and the cows refuse to eat there, but as the ground soaks up the deceased, the rose can do nothing but stay, rooted to the spot, its roots tainted by the blood of the innocent. A dying soldier watches as a thorn emerges on the stalk of the rose. It is different from the others; he can feel the pain in it. He watches it grow as his heart slowly stops.
Wars end. What once was a raging battlefield turns into a graveyard of war heroes. Their bodies are replaced by thousands upon thousands of poppies, spreading miles over the land like a huge blanket of red petals. Old men photograph them, a symbol of the courageous but futile war effort.
The grey rose is having none of it. Spoilt by the bitterness of those that died, it refuses to be overshadowed anymore. Its grey roots grow further into the ground, choking the pretty red poppies. One by one they all wilt and fall to the ground, dead.
The grey rose still only grows in one field. It stands higher than anything else in the area. Surly people will see it now right? No. Nobody comes to the meadow anymore. There are no grazing animals to look at, no beautiful flowers to admire, no pointless war efforts, and after all, the world is a big place. Why would anyone notice this field when there are so many more to look at?
The End
like i said..... for writing click here
I'd put a different site but don't know anyposted by jameswinterton @ 2:32 pm 0 comments
Due to the fact that I need to have five posts by the end of the month, I'm going to fill one up by telling a little story about hawaiian shirts.
There once was a hawaiian shirt. It didn't choose to be hawaiian, infact if the shirt could think then it would probably say
"why me! why couldn't I be a black shirt instead of hawaiian, If I was black then I would get worn instead of being left in the cupboard to save my owner from being embarressed."
Unfortunatly though, it couldn't think too much as it wasn't the brightest shirt in the cupboard.
And so it hung in the cupboard for months on end
Thinking noting.
feeling nothing.
If the shirt could hear then it would know that its owner was listening to "true colours:" on repeat. If it could worry then it would worry about its owners current obsession with this song.
but it couldn't, and so it hung in the cupboard for a few more weeks until its owner wore it.
The end
That was NOT a true story.
I wouldn't really call it a story at all but oh well.
have YOU ever wanted a hawaiian shirt? , click hereposted by jameswinterton @ 12:40 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
My opinion on everything
I am going to write my opinons on everything.
Well everything apart from Thomas the Tank Engine becuase I believe it has seriously gone down hill since my day. What the hell happened to the times when programmes were fun to watch and were storyline orientated? This is yet another great programme that has been tainted by political.
The fat controller is fat!
He is happy with his size, even to the extent that he bases his name on it.Why is it a bad thing to call a fat person fat when he does not find it insulting? It should not be disallowed just because it might upset fat children!
Well just incase children are intimidated by being fat, I have compiled a list of things they can do to help....Eat less snacks, even the ones endorsed by Thomas the Tank Engine. watching ThomasThe Tank Engine and take a jog...possibly to the train station so that you can see a real life Thomas Eat more snacks as endorsed by slimfast.
Well anyway, sticking with the theme of good Programming gone wrong, I think I shall turn my attention to...... DISNEY!!!!!
Now I love Disney just as much as the next person WARNING! EXTREME POLITICAL INCORRECTNESS! HIGHLIGHT TO READ-----> (maybe a little bit too much for my age and gender)
or at least I used to
Unfortunately the writers seem to have ran out of any kind of inspiration to write about anything other than an alien that looks suspicously like a dog. The doggy alien does have the unique ability to spin around in circles extremely fast though, well almost unique anyway. Tazmania had it first, but if you ignore him ( I think he was a pretty crappy character anyway, Warner Bros have nothing on Disney) then go Stitch!.
did anyone like lilo and Stitch?(and if they did then does their opinon REALLY count?)
That picture just there^ is from when I met Batman in town.
Or so I thought.
As it transpired, it was actually a guy dressed up as batman who claimed to be collecting for charty. Out of curiosity conbined with extreme bordom, we gave him two pounds and he said "thankyou, go round the corner and see Catwoman"
so we did...
Turned out that she wasn't there and when we got back Batman was gone too.... we got robbed by superheros.... how ironic!
Its all a big superhero conspiricy I tells ya
That is my cat.
Sometimes when i get really bored, I force my cat to dance and then photo it. I also like to put smartie tubes on its legs and make it walk like a robot..
Exiting stuff ya?
Oh and if the rspca ever read this.... I am kind and generous to cats.
Unlike paul, who kicks kittens(in my opinion)posted by jameswinterton @ 2:59 pm 0 comments
me as a redneck
Soooo... was doing nothing in class today when I stumbled across this here test..
I AM 14% WHITE TRASH!I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.
It got me thinking.... what would I be like as a redneck?
turned out that the answer was just a few steps away on my photobucket accountposted by jameswinterton @ 2:58 pm 0 comments