The Rose Prose (a small experiment by me)
My opinion on everything
me as a redneck
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
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Wednesday, February 02, 2005
The greater bad
Hello again.....you
this is another piece of writing that I am posting to take up blogger space.
It was going to be the intro to a story until I decided that I couldn't be bothered to finish it.
The young man sighed. He looked at the back of his hands, trying to get to know them as well as he possibly could. His back hurt from sitting o n the uncomfortable park bench for so long. Instantly, he felt a wave of compassion for old people.
The new park benches had seemed a good idea when they were first invented. The advertisement said that making the back of them slant forward slightly would improve posture. The real idea behind they would improve what was known as ‘the old people congestion.’
The issue of old people taking up all of the room on the park bench had first arisen at the world summit of 2035. Ever since someone had invented the LES (life extension serum), old people were living twice as long but were too weak to do anything other than sit on park benches feeding the cyber ducks(it became illegal to feed real ducks when it turned out that bread was actually lethal to them)
The young man sighed again. A few years ago it had been him that was fighting against the removal of the old people from the park benches.
Fighting for good.
That was what he did. That was what he had done since the dawn of time. He had been there when Jesus was crucified trying to talk the general public into letting him go. He had been there trying to talk Mr and Mrs Hitler out of having children. He had even been there when Martin Luther King jr had been making his dream speech, cheering him on from the front of the crowd. When he wasn’t doing good, he was battling tirelessly against bad; trying to assassinate Hitler, Writing random formulas in Einstein’s Atomic bomb Workbook (which backfired when he accidentally wrote the right equation) and trying to talk George Lucas out of filming a fifteenth Star wars movie. Unfortunately he had a problem.
People are stupid.
When given a choice between right and wrong, they always go for the easiest( which has a tendency to be wrong), so he had given up the fight for good in exchange for sitting on posture correcting park benches and resenting everyone. This is what caused problem number two….
He was bored.
There was no evil to fight, no jobs going for someone as unqualified as him. No college courses that anyone who wasn’t royal or related to Richard Branson could afford.
It was sitting on that bench on that windy and mildly warm autumn day, that his idea hit him. He would create some evil to fight. Something so diabolically evil that people would fear to side with. When they are forced to side with good, he would be the only one left. They would want him. No… They would NEED him. All he had to do was take out all the other supposedly good people… that wouldn’t be to hard to do.
The young man smiled.
He walked down to the cinema to see Star Wars episode 16: The Empire Strikes Back Once Again, and started to come up with some plans.
Anywho a great site for wann abe writers like me is... BBCGETWRITINGposted by jameswinterton @ 12:58 pm