Wednesday, November 10, 2004
My opinion on everything
I am going to write my opinons on everything.
Well everything apart from Thomas the Tank Engine becuase I believe it has seriously gone down hill since my day. What the hell happened to the times when programmes were fun to watch and were storyline orientated? This is yet another great programme that has been tainted by political.
The fat controller is fat!
He is happy with his size, even to the extent that he bases his name on it.Why is it a bad thing to call a fat person fat when he does not find it insulting? It should not be disallowed just because it might upset fat children!
Well just incase children are intimidated by being fat, I have compiled a list of things they can do to help....Eat less snacks, even the ones endorsed by Thomas the Tank Engine. watching ThomasThe Tank Engine and take a jog...possibly to the train station so that you can see a real life Thomas Eat more snacks as endorsed by slimfast.
Well anyway, sticking with the theme of good Programming gone wrong, I think I shall turn my attention to...... DISNEY!!!!!
Now I love Disney just as much as the next person WARNING! EXTREME POLITICAL INCORRECTNESS! HIGHLIGHT TO READ-----> (maybe a little bit too much for my age and gender)
or at least I used to
Unfortunately the writers seem to have ran out of any kind of inspiration to write about anything other than an alien that looks suspicously like a dog. The doggy alien does have the unique ability to spin around in circles extremely fast though, well almost unique anyway. Tazmania had it first, but if you ignore him ( I think he was a pretty crappy character anyway, Warner Bros have nothing on Disney) then go Stitch!.
did anyone like lilo and Stitch?(and if they did then does their opinon REALLY count?)
That picture just there^ is from when I met Batman in town.
Or so I thought.
As it transpired, it was actually a guy dressed up as batman who claimed to be collecting for charty. Out of curiosity conbined with extreme bordom, we gave him two pounds and he said "thankyou, go round the corner and see Catwoman"
so we did...
Turned out that she wasn't there and when we got back Batman was gone too.... we got robbed by superheros.... how ironic!
Its all a big superhero conspiricy I tells ya
That is my cat.
Sometimes when i get really bored, I force my cat to dance and then photo it. I also like to put smartie tubes on its legs and make it walk like a robot..
Exiting stuff ya?
Oh and if the rspca ever read this.... I am kind and generous to cats.
Unlike paul, who kicks kittens(in my opinion)posted by jameswinterton @ 2:59 pm