


Thursday, May 26, 2005


Why don't people ever actually see mermaids?

All I could actually work out was that they must see how dolphins are treated and stay hidden because of it.

Then someoune *cough*andy*cough* pointed ut that dolphins are happy which made me wonder...why?

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of course I may be jumping to conclusions but if i was a mermaid then i would stay well away it just isn't worth it...laws no.

posted by jameswinterton @ 8:34 pm  


  • At 9:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It makes so much sense it has to be true, but this doesnt stop people coming in and seeing it for themselves personally... even if they do shut down cameras whenever they go near mermaids.

  • At 9:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm liking the sheer randomness of the site! Its amazing!

  • At 11:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    James, you'd make a great mermaid.



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