


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

good and bad sites.

There are several examples of good websites on the world wide web

a good website should be user friendly it should be easy to find your way around, nice to look at, give useful and precise information and use collours that don't hurt your eyes.

good examples are;www.neopets.com

This site is simple, well designed, nicely coloured and easy to work with.


this site (mentioned earlier somewhere) is nicely set out and extremely informative and helpful

www.adventchildren.net is a very informaitive site. It is nicely designed and updated on a regular basis

as well as good sites there are bad sites which are boring, hard to work aroun and use bad colour schemes

for example http://maddox.xmission.com/ this site, set up by somebody who claims to hate everything and feels the need to write about it. The colours are bad and the writing is dull. SOmeone with such a talent for complaining could have done much beter if he had put more effort in.

posted by jameswinterton @ 4:21 pm  


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